General Dentistry Turner, Canberra
In this General Dentistry page, you will learn more about what general dentistry is and the services we offer at Bespoke Dental in Canberra. If you like what you are reading, then please call us on 02 6249 1391, or complete the enquiry form below for your consultation.
What is General Dentistry?
Dental Examination at Bespoke Dental, Canberra
We begin with a dental examination that includes observation and possible x-rays or other technology if it will be helpful. The exam is used to find hidden cavities, signs of gum disease or even allows us a chance to check your jaw and overall health. If we find problems, we may recommend the following dental solutions to restore oral health:
Comprehensive Oral Assessment
The oral assessment will include the recommended treatment pathway, and we will explain any issues and treatments, so you have a complete understanding of what it involves and what it will accomplish. When you agree that the treatment is manageable for you now and in the future, we will make plans to proceed.
Ranging from lifestyle changes to breathing and snoring devices, we will develop an ideal treatment pathway for you.