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Dental Veneers Turner, Canberra

In this Dental Veneers page, you will learn more about dental veneers and how they can help restore a beautiful smile. If you like what you are reading, then please call us on 02 6249 1391, or complete the enquiry form below for your consultation.

Felicity G.
Bespoke Dental are fantastic. I have been going there for years and always have wonderful customer service and care. The staff take the time to get to know you as a person.
Felicity G.
Dental Veneers Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra

The Dental Veneers Solution

One discoloured or chipped tooth can affect your entire smile. When this happens, there is no need to have extensive, long-term procedures like braces. For some, dental veneers are the best solution to help repair or improve a smile. At the same time, veneers can help protect a tooth to avoid future problems.

The Dental Veneers Solution

Dental Veneers Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra
One discoloured or chipped tooth can affect your entire smile. When this happens, there is no need to have extensive, long-term procedures like braces. For some, dental veneers are the best solution to help repair or improve a smile. At the same time, veneers can help protect a tooth to avoid future problems.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, porcelain, shell-like covers that fit over teeth to cosmetically improve their appearance. Often used on the front teeth that are visible when you smile, they can be made to bring the best colour and shape back to the tooth. The veneer is a restoration that fits snuggly onto a tooth and is customised to fit in with your natural teeth. Your entire row of teeth is restored so you can smile again without worries.

Who Needs Dental Veneers?

Even with regular brushing, medications can cause discolouration. Age and stress can cause a tooth to wear and deteriorate early, and accidents can chip a tooth, which can interfere with your smile. A cavity from youth can discolour your teeth in your adult years, trauma to a tooth can cause discolouration and quite often one is born with just one or two teeth out of place. Many patients choose veneers when a mouth makeover is not necessary.

Dental veneers are a cosmetic solution for those who want to fix one or two teeth. They are often used when a discoloured tooth does not respond to whitening solutions due to intrinsic, or internal staining. They may also be used when just one or two teeth are crooked or out of alignment for any reason, as the veneer can fix the shape to make the tooth appear in line with the others. The following are the common concerns that may be addressed with dental veneers:

Mild crookedness can be masked by a dental veneer
Small gaps can be filled in with veneers
Tooth shape may be restored for teeth that are worn or chipped
Discolouration due to a root canal or old filling can be hidden with a veneer

Benefits of Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry is associated first and foremost with a beautiful row of teeth that add to an attractive smile. And while dental veneers provide aesthetic value, they also offer a host of other benefits, too. Restoring teeth helps someone to feel like smiling again, while straight teeth are easier to care for. The following are benefits that make this cosmetic option a patient favourite:

Protect teeth from damage
Porcelain is stain-resistant, making them easy to care for
Veneers are durable
Veneers are long-lasting with proper care
Feel and look like your own teeth
Customised, cosmetic solution to improve a smile
Ellen S.

Great friendly team who are always so professional. Would highly recommend.

Ellen S.

Customised Veneers for You

Dental Veneers Work Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra
When you visit our dentists at Bespoke Dental, we can help determine if dental veneers are the right solution for you. You will first receive a comprehensive dental examination with a complete oral assessment. This will be used to determine if there are any hidden problems that should be taken care of and make sure veneers will fit your needs. Conversation is key and we want to ensure you get the long-term results you deserve.

If dental veneers are right for you, we will use x-rays and other technology to create veneers that will improve your smile. Using a scientifically scaled model, we will find the best natural smile that is sure to complement your ideals and work with you to ensure that the delivery of your treatment meets all your expectations.

Proper Oral Care to Ensure Durability

Dental veneers are a cosmetic solution that is versatile and durable. And just like any investment, we know you want to make sure they last a long time. Fortunately, with the right care and maintenance, your veneers not only protect the tooth, but are resistant to staining and decay. Taking care of the surrounding teeth and gums is easy with regular oral hygiene such as:
Brush twice each day
Floss at least once each day
Do not bite hard things like ice
Get help from your dentist with teeth grinding
Get regular dental exams to watch for decay, gum disease or other common dental issues
Keep in mind that while veneers are resistant to staining, your natural teeth are not, so limit food and drinks that contribute to discolouration
Schedule regular dental cleanings to ensure tartar doesn’t build up around your veneers
Implant Dentistry Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra

Payment Plan Options

Optimum oral health with the right dental solutions should be available to everyone. If you need dental veneers or want to improve your smile in any other way, we believe money should not be part of your worries. That’s why we offer our patients zero-deposit, zero-interest payment plans to fit your budget. To learn more about our payment options, click here.

Payment Plan Options

Implant Dentistry Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra

Optimum oral health with the right dental solutions should be available to everyone. If you need dental veneers or want to improve your smile in any other way, we believe money should not be part of your worries. That’s why we offer our patients zero-deposit, zero-interest payment plans to fit your budget. To learn more about our payment options, click here.

Schedule An Appointment Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra

Call Today and Schedule a Visit

If you are in need of a cosmetic solution to help fix or repair your smile, call today and schedule a comprehensive dental exam. We will do a complete assessment and determine if dental veneers are the right solution for you, and if not, we can find the best treatment. Our goal is to work as your partner to achieve the best oral health for you and your family.

Call Today and Schedule a Visit

Schedule An Appointment Bespoke Dental Turner Canberra

If you are in need of a cosmetic solution to help fix or repair your smile, call today and schedule a comprehensive dental exam. We will do a complete assessment and determine if dental veneers are the right solution for you, and if not, we can find the best treatment. Our goal is to work as your partner to achieve the best oral health for you and your family.

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