As dentists, we’re privileged to be well-positioned to help our patients every day. It’s satisfying to see people’s lives transformed through a shared focus on good oral health and treatment delivered well. Serving people in our local community is great. We enjoy it and we’ll keep doing it with our meticulous focus on getting things right.
But like many other small businesses, we were looking beyond the four walls of our business to what we could do in the global community. Why?
Because at Bespoke Dental we’re also keenly inspired by a desire to have an impact in the wider world.
You might be wondering: How is that done from a dental practice in Turner, Canberra? For a little while, we contemplated that same question.
What we discovered – and now many of our patients have too – is that it’s easier than you think.
We partnered with B1G1
B1G1 (Buy One Give One) is a global business giving initiative. B1G1’s inspired mission is to create a world full of giving through a community of businesses who want to do good beyond themselves.
In a very practical way, we’re doing what like-minded others are doing: operating as agents of change.
Our understanding of B1G1’s work deepened when we learnt more about the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. These goals have been set by global leaders to create a sustainable future for us all.
B1G1 has selected over 800 carefully screened, high-impact projects that are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
We’ve been able to choose the ways to give that fit in best with our way of doing business. What’s more, one hundred percent of our giving goes directly to the projects we choose.
Because we feel every human has a right to clean water, we’ve nominated projects with this focus.
Since commencing with B1G1 in 2015, together with our patients we’ve generated over 80,000 days of life-saving water – and counting.
How does B1G1 help Bespoke Dental patients?
What does this mean for our patients? Well, we think it’s pretty significant.
By receiving treatment at Bespoke Dental, you’re making a choice that is good for your health and good for other people who need help with things we take for granted – like clean drinking water.
When we share this good news with patients, they love it. Why is that?
We believe it’s because each of us wants to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Really, we all want to belong. We also want to contribute, make a difference, and feel good about doing so.
The team at Bespoke Dental recognise this very human need and is delighted to have implemented its partnership with B1G1.
If you feel you’d like to see your dentist do more, a visit to Bespoke Dental could be in order
Note: All content and media on the Bespoke Dental website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.